Workbench bought for EUR 15 from Action

When converting the KBZ into a TBZ, I realised that I needed more trestles. A wobbly wooden folding stand costs just under EUR 10 at Toom. Two metal folding trestles, the better choice, cost just under 40 EUR. So one costs 20 EUR. Action beats that hands down.


I don’t get any money from Action when I mention them here. They don’t have an affiliate programme. Nevertheless, I have labelled the links as advertising as a precaution, there are many bad lawyers out there who have to keep their heads above water with warning letters. Better safe than sorry.

When I’m back in a house renovation phase or tinkering with my car, I’m in Action at least once a week. Many people don’t know Action or think it’s a cheap shop like Tedi. Action is cheap, but not cheap, if you know what I mean. It’s more like a Lidl or Aldi for non-food products. That’s not quite true, because they also have long-life food.

In any case, Action is one of the biggest players in Europe and is constantly growing. Before I order anything or go to the DIY store, I first check what Action has.


  • Dulux Premium acrylic paint, silk matt white, scratch-resistant.
    Amazon: 23,72 EUR
    Action: 11,99 EUR
  • Pattex polymer adhesive, 350 kg adhesion, 460 g cartridge
    Amazon: 10.45 EUR(370 g) (460 g = 12.99 EUR)
    Action: 5,99 EUR

So we save at least 50% each time in comparison. This is normal with Action.

Workbench from Ferm

I didn’t make it to the the last few days, but I knew that the Ferm work bench was on special offer for 14.99 EUR. The regular price is 19.99 EUR. When I finally made it, there were only two left and I bought them both. Cheaper and more versatile than the metal blocks from Toom, which I also own.

Okay, the metal blocks can be folded up much smaller so that only the support surfaces remain as a „bar“ in the corner. The workbench is somewhat bulkier due to its design.

I was amazed at the work surface. At first I thought it was coated plywood with a fancy decor. But it felt too hard for that. Lo and behold, I could see from the drill holes that it was cleanly varnished bamboo wood. Great! It’s very hard and more water-resistant than the usual wood on my previous workbenches.

Technical data

  • Footprint: 52 x 63.5 x 77.5 cm (WxDxH)
  • Working area: 60.5 x 24 to 32 cm (WxD)
  • Folded: 60.5 x 15 x 92 cm (WxDxH)
  • Weight: 4.8 kg
  • Load capacity: 150 kg
  • Bamboo wood work surface
  • 4 clamping jaws
  • two tool holders
  • imprinted protractor and centimetre ruler
  • 3-year guarantee


As the instructions are really tiny, I will describe here how to assemble the workbench.


We place the two wooden boards on the table with the underside in front of us. The two notches point towards the centre.

Einkerbungen zeigen zur Mitte
Notches point to the centre

We place the two parts with the cranks towards us on the timbers and fasten them with the small wood screws. Attention! The wood is hard. It is best to use a cordless screwdriver! Make sure that all the screws are tight.

Kurbelantriebe anschrauben
Screw on the crank drives


The legs are attached using the thicker and longer M8 bolts and the self-locking nuts. Two sheet metal spanners are included. It is more convenient to use a small ratchet and a 13 mm spanner.

Schrauben fĂŒr die Beine
Screws for the legs

The angled sides of the locking struts point sideways outwards, the acute angle they form points towards us. The legs are angled outwards at the sides so that the bench can stand securely.

Spitzer Winkel zeigt zu uns!
Pointed angle points towards us!

Place the washers on each side. Make sure that the screws are not overtightened. They must still be easy to turn. If we tighten them too much, the workbench will end up being crooked!

Schrauben nicht zu fest anziehen!
Do not overtighten the screws!

Tool holder

The two tool holders stabilise the table. We fasten them with the small M6 screws and nuts. The washers only go on the side with the nuts. We can and should tighten these as firmly as possible.

We need the enclosed spanner and a screwdriver for this.

Schraubenzieher und SchlĂŒssel
Screwdriver and spanner
Schrauben fĂŒr die Werkzeughalter
Screws for the tool holders
Querstrebe mit Aufdruck zu uns
Cross strut with imprint to us
Muttern nach innen, darunter die Unterlegscheiben
Nuts to the inside, washers underneath

Rubber feet

The rubber feet always come with the tips pointing outwards towards the corners of the table. You can’t see it in the pictures, but one corner of the feet is higher than the others.

Rubber feet

We simply stick the rubber feet on.

GummifĂŒĂŸe aufgesteckt
Rubber feet attached


To make it easier for me to sand and paint the Ivar boards, I glued small furniture protection nupsis onto the clip-on clamping jaws. That way the boards don’t touch the workbench, it stays clean – and the boards no longer slip away.

Please? But of course these Gumminupsis are also from the Action. Where else would they come from?


I used the workbenches directly as a replacement for my trestles. Everything worked to my complete satisfaction. The work surface was very easy to crank. The workbenches are very easy to fold up, nothing jams. They stand firmly and securely on a flat surface. Of course, I had to hunt down a straight spot on the lawn. 🙂

Werkbank aufgebaut
Workbench set up
WerkbÀnke als Böcke verwendet
Workbenches used as trestles

For 20 EUR each, you can’t complain. For 15 EUR, the foldable workbenches are an absolute no-brainer. 🙂

Über den Autor


Michael "Hessi" Heßburg ist ein erfahrener Technik-Enthusiast und ehemaliger Informatiker. Seine Website, die er seit ĂŒber 25 Jahren betreibt, deckt vielfĂ€ltige Themen ab, darunter Haus & Garten, Hausrenovierung, IT, 3D-Druck, Retrocomputing und Autoreparatur. Zudem behandelt er gesellschaftspolitische Themen wie Datenschutz und Überwachung. Hessi ist seit 20 Jahren freiberuflicher Autor und bietet in seinem Blog fundierte Einblicke und praktische Tipps. Seine BeitrĂ€ge sind sorgfĂ€ltig recherchiert und leicht verstĂ€ndlich, um Leser bei ihren Projekten zu unterstĂŒtzen.

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