Hessi’s automobile memories

citroen visa

Here you will find automotive memories in the form of pictures of the cars of some friends and relatives – and my own. Warning! Yes, yes, kiddies, I know: today’s pumped-up cars weighing tonnes can do everything better, are faster and more fun. But back then we still drove our cars – and not the … Weiterlesen

clean up (database) tables

Tabelle Sortieren

In my case, articles appeared twice or even umpteen times in the post overview and under the counters. The reason was the Prosodia plugin, which had many duplicate rows in a table. But how do you clean up these duplicates?


EUR 99 Chromebook tested

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AfB is offering the Acer Chromebook Spin 512 as new for just 99 euros. It is a convertible, i.e. a mixture of tablet and notebook. The device is passively cooled and therefore completely silent. But is it any good? What can it do and what can’t it do?


Workbench bought for EUR 15 from Action

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When converting the KBZ into a TBZ, I realised that I needed more trestles. A wobbly wooden folding stand costs just under EUR 10 at Toom. Two metal folding trestles, the better choice, cost just under 40 EUR. So one costs 20 EUR. Action beats that hands down.


Drainage channel strainer quickly designed and printed out

Filter Ablaufrinne

We needed a filter for the drainage channel in front of the garage (from the 1960s). The old filter was completely rusted through and the drain was blocked.


Aliexpress: Enter address (Update 2024)

Ali 1

The other day I wanted to change my address on Aliexpress. But my city had suddenly disappeared! However, there is a trick ..


Quickly remove traces of ivy

efeu hauswand vorher

After cutting back or removing the ivy, do you have these grey stains and remnants of aerial roots on the plaster? These are traces of ivy. Or ivy stains. Call them what you like. But… how do I remove them? What can you read? Wire brushes, expensive miracle products or painting over are supposed to help against ivy stains. I’m sure that’s all true. But there is also a cheap trick for it! Really cheap! Really quick!
