Artillery strikes back! X4 Plus in the test
Inhalt:1 Key data2 Unboxing2.1 Accessories2.2 Tool kit3 Time to first print4 Assembly4.1 Wedding4.2 Connecting the cables5 Design6 Space requirement6.1 Depth6.2 Width6.3 Height7 Power consumption8 Connectivity9 Volume10 Inner workings10.1 Power supply10.2 Mainboard10.3 WLAN11 The initial setup11.1 Important!11.2 Setup WiFi11.3 Cloud?11.4 fluidd11.5 SSH access11.6 Connect webcam11.7 Level up?11.7.1 Is auto-levelling enough?11.7.2 Do levelling wheels still make sense … Artillery strikes back! X4 Plus in the test weiterlesen
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